BrightSpark Foundation
The BrightSpark Foundation is dedicated to funding Western Australian based scientific research in child heath. Funding the early stages of research into child health diseases is fundamental to the advancement of knowledge and solutions to improve the wellbeing of children. Since establishment in 1977, the BrightSpark Foundation has supported hundreds of WA based researchers to investigate child health projects.

BrightSpark Raine Alliance
The BrightSpark Foundation and Raine Medical Research Foundation, two of the most respected funders of child health research in Western Australia, joined together in a strategic alliance in 2015 to strengthen and advance child health research in this State. The BrightSpark Foundation recognised the established strength of the Raine Foundation in research grant review and administration. The Raine Foundation prides itself in managing robust and transparent grant review processes, including international peer review by leading experts in the field of each application. This ensures that the very best and brightest WA researchers are supported and maximises the potential for future health impact. The BrightSpark Foundation, on its own, could not achieve the high standards achieved by the Raine Foundation. But together the two organisations benefit from their respective strengths – A model other funding organisations may wish to consider for the maximising outcomes and impact from their research grants.
The BrightSpark Raine Alliance aims to strengthen and consolidate the overall funding base, efficiently utilise the strengths of both organisations, and offer more opportunities for all child health researchers across WA. Ultimately and most importantly, the alliance facilitates new discoveries and treatments in the battle against childhood sickness. In the initial five years since formation, the BrightSpark Raine Alliance has collectively supported over $3 million in child health research in WA. Commenting on the formation of the Alliance, BrightSpark’s Chairman, Graham Dowland stated –
This collaboration is aimed at creating a focussed WA-based centre for the independent and transparent allocation of philanthropic, but competitive, funding for our State’s brightest emerging child health researchers. The Alliance is seeking to increase the amount as well as enabling the efficient competitive allocation of grant funding for child health research in WA. BrightSpark will continue to encourage additional financial support for the Alliance activities from the community.
Our Vision
To make a difference to the health of children and their families, by funding emerging WA-based researchers who have ‘bright’ ideas for improving child health.
Our Mission
To identify leading WA-based researchers, with a focus on emerging talent, and increase merit-based funding for their scientific endeavours into child health related illnesses.