In collaboration with the Raine Medical Research Foundation, the BrightSpark Foundation provides funding for Priming Grants for medical research in Western Australia in the area of child health.
The Priming Grants are available to health and medical researchers at an early stage in their research career, particularly those who are progressing towards an independent research career. Assisting early stage researchers to become more competitive for national and international funding is one of the aims of the BrightSpark Raine Alliance.
The BrightSpark Raine Fellow title is awarded to the top successful applicants in the area of child health research.
The Priming Grants are offered for a two-year period subject to annual review and may be used to provide funding, or part funding, for salaries of researchers and/or technical staff, minor equipment, and consumables.
Click here to access the Raine Priming Grant website, which includes more information about the program, key dates, the application process (including application form) and Grant Conditions.